How To Raise Your Vibration?

It’s nice to have a high vibration. What’s even better is to keep your vibration raised.

This guide will give you multiple ways to raise your vibration.

Each individual journey is unique. No two people are the same.

That’s why your starting point on this journey of self-discovery is different from anyone else’s.

Start by finding what resonates with you from the list below.

This will be your entry point into your vibrational raising work.

All the elements are interconnected.

There’s no right or wrong answer when raising your vibrational frequency.

What Is Your Vibration?

The totality of your thoughts and emotions and actions you take on a consistent basis.

They create your vibration, the vibe you are emanating.

All people have a personal vibration. a certain vibration.

If you keep practicing, you can become sensitive to people’s vibrations.

Some will attract you while others you will find repelling.

When you practice the same thoughts, emotions and actions for a while, you stabilize your vibration.

Raising your vibrational frequency doesn’t have to be complicated.

You only have to understand what it takes to change and raise your vibration.

How to raise your vibration for manifestation?

Improving The Quality Of Your Thoughts

Habitual thoughts can bring us down. Developing a practice to interrupt the stream of thoughts.

Pauses in thinking. Deliberate practice of stillness.


Journaling doesn’t raise vibration per se, but it’s a potent tool to help you track your habits.

If you journal for a few weeks or even months, patterns will start emerging.

You will notice some of the same thoughts repeating over and over again.

How is this helping you raise your vibration?

It increases your awareness of your current vibration.

As you keep journaling, it will become clear as daylight what must change in your thinking process.

You will be able to to map your thinking process and choose different thought patterns.

Ones that will be in more alignment with the vibrational frequency you’re after.

Journaling also has a cathartic effect, helping you release the emotional charges that accumulated over time.

Improving The Quality Of The Foods We Eat

Food can influence our general state, the quality of our thoughts.

You might want to try lighter diets for a while, like vegetarian or even vegan.

Foods that are easier to digest will help the body feel better overall and it will improve your feeling capacity.

An improved feeling capacity leads to better choices, because you’ll want to stop doing the things that feel bad for you.

Identifying The Actions We Must Stop Doing

Here is where habit tracking comes into play.

Which of our habits are raising our vibration and which ones are lowering our vibration?

Tracking what drained you for 28 days can also help.

Keeping a journal to keep track of vibration lowering or vibration raising activities.

Deepening The Capacity For Feeling Vibrations

If you want to change the way you feel, first you must become aware of how you feel.

When we’re feeling bad or negative emotions for too long, we become numb to them.

Without noticing it, those negative emotions become our default state.

They become our way of being.

What makes us more sensitive to the way we’re feeling, thus to our personal vibration, is sensitivity.

What helps you develop personal sensitivity to vibrations are the following practices:

  • spending time alone in nature
  • a regular practice of meditation
  • a practice of yoga

When you go back to your old habits, it becomes clear as daylight the vibration that’s active when you’re doing those habits.

Stopping The Habit Of Complaining

When people complain, they cast a spell upon themselves.

It’s the spell of the victim, of the powerless.

And complaining is the tool of the victim.

When someone complains, they’re rendering themselves powerless.

What they’re really saying is they are at the mercy of the events.

They’re not the creators of their lives.

They’re simply observers of reality, or NPC (non-playing characters).

NPC’s don’t have too much to say about playing the game of life.

They’re not players, they’re the ones being played.

Practicing Thankfulness And Gratitude

Practicing gratitude is the fastest way to raise your vibration.

Finding reasons to be thankful keeps you in a good state.

It also attracts more reasons to feel good in your life

Giving thanks is one of the ways to raise your vibration.

Make a list of reasons your life is good right now.

Even the smallest details count.

Appreciation (Reversed Gap)

Instead of focusing on what’s missing, a better idea is to develop a habit of giving thanks and appreciating how far you’ve come.

Having goals is great, but focusing only on what’s missing will keep you focusing on lack.

Switching from a mentality of lack to one of abundance requires focusing attention differently.

The 20 year old you didn’t have the freedom the current you has.

He/she didn’t have access to the internet.

Or the girlfriend or lover you have now.

See? There are so many thinks to be grateful for if we only make a small switch in how we focus.

Or if we turn gratitude into a regular practice.

Start right now, make a list with things you appreciate and really feel grateful for.


One of the best ways to stop emitting at the same vibration is to take a break from your regular life.

When you travel, you interrupt your habitual activities.

Be sure to leave your baggage at home when you travel. Visit new places and stay open.


Nature has a high vibration by default.

Spend solo time in nature.

Learn to connect to its silence and wisdom

Practicing Meditation

The practice of meditation allows you to become aware of your thoughts.

You can’t stop your thoughts, but you can observe them.

Becoming aware of your thinking patterns is one step forward towards knowledge of self.

Once you see your patterns with this newfound ability to self-observe, it will become more obvious when you get triggered.

Nurturing Your Relationship To God, The Universe or Reality

Developing trust in a higher power. You can name it God, or the Universe or Reality (my personal favorite).

There’s got to be a way to develop trust in Reality.

Listening And Connecting To Your Body

Develop a relationship to your body. The body communicates very differently, it uses a different language. Learn to listen to your body and pay attention to the signals it sends you.

A good connection to your body tells you when it’s ok to push through and when to stop.

Pay attention to how something feels in your body first, before doing it.

It takes practice to develop such a relationship, but it’s well worth it.

Developing Your Relationship To The Present Moment

Usually when we attend to our todo list, we are stuck in future mode.

Developing a relationship to the present moment allows.

We forget the now where everything

When you don’t want to be in the present moment because it’s not what you want.

And yet, the only power you have is in the present moment.

Practice Of Non-Doing

So much oriented on action these days. Not everything can be solved by action alone. Some things require you to stop and let go, and trust. If you’re coming from an action-oriented place, it takes time to develop such a practice. It will seem absurd, non-sense, you won’t be able to sit still. But it’s a good practice of allowing.

Sit on a park bench. Allow yourself to be present with the wind, the leaves. Breathe in the stillness, the calm, the being.

Allow time to pass in its own rhythm, without rushing to get someplace.

Have no agenda and enjoy being.

Spending Time With People At A Higher Vibration

One of the most effective ways to raise your vibration is to spend time with people at a higher level of vibration. Let them pull you up. When you raise your vibration only for a little while, you will feel where your vibration is usually really at.

The internet is full of such people.

Reading Books At A Higher Level of Vibration

Reading books that elevate our consciousness level is one of the key steps of raising your vibration. One such author is Eckhart Tolle. But it doesn’t have to be a spiritual teacher. It can be somebody else, like Abraham Hicks. There are plenty of teachers in this world.

Here are some authors that have guided me on my path:

  • Echkart Tolle – The Power Of Now, A New Earth
  • Michael Brown – The Presence Process
  • Steve Pavlina – Personal Development For Smart People
  • Abraham Hicks – Essential Law Of Attraction Collection

But what’s important is for you to find the author that speak to you where you are on your journy.

Music To Raise Your Vibration

Listening to music to raise your vibration can help for sure.

Find it on youtube/

Energetic Cleansing

Energy gets stuck sometimes.

You can visit a healer to help you release some of the stuck energy.

Or you can even watch YouTube Videos For Cleansing Energy.


Understand that raising your vibration is not a one-time thing. It’s not enough to do one meditation, read one author and listen to vibration raising music.

It takes time and self-compassion. And that’s because we are creatures of habit.

If we have developed habits that pull our vibration down, it takes a strong will and consistent action to uplift our vibration.

Personally, I had to leave my job when I started this vibrational raising work.

That’s because my energy was becoming incompatible with the people’s vibrations at the job.

Or you might have to leave some people behind because of this desire.

Be gentle with yourself, be patient with yourself.

It takes time to understand what makes you tick and how you can change.

It takes time to develop new habits and discard the old ones.


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