You’re here because you need a web to mp4 free converter, right?
Easy, let’s get to it.
In a previous article, I explained how to download YouTube videos
They all download in .webm format by default.
I decided to ask ChatGPT to help me convert all webm files to mp4.
I wanted it to generate a script I can reuse every time I need to transform webm to mp4 from current folder.
Here’s the ChatGPT prompt I used:
And here is the result:
Now all I did is copy the script into a new file.
I named it CONVERT_WEBM.bat
And moved it to the folder where all my .webm files are.
Before running the script, I had to make sure to have ffmpeg installed.
I double clicked the script to run it:
After a few seconds, all .webm files were converted to mp4 files for free.
ffmpeg did a great job!
Neat, no?
Next, I could update the script to move all .webm files to a separate folder.
But more about that in a future article.