Spicy Pumpkin Soup & Journaling

I’m back in in the coffee shop I’ve written most of the articles on this blog, up until now.

I ordered a pumpkin cream soup. Turned out to be the spiciest soup I’ve had in a very long time.

Is this what people expect when eating out? That their taste buds be bombarded with flavor the second you put food in your mouth?

Spicy pumpkin cream soup

My taste buds are not accustomed to this level of spiciness.

I’ve trained my taste buds out of spicy things. We’re not in India, people.

I just read Cami’s blog (Madam Dragon). God, she writes so well. She creates such vivid pictures in the reader’s mind. I wish she wrote more often. But life gets in the way and priorities change, I guess.

I’m back at writing my morning pages. I can already feel the effects of sticking to a writing routine. God, I love writing on paper. It’s so … analog. It’s very different from writing on a computer keyboard. It slows down the my mind, it makes it less restless. My thoughts become more ordered when I write on paper. I love that.

Back in November I was complaining that I had lost too much weight in too little time – about 4.5 kg since September. But now, after the Holiday Season is over, I have nothing to complain about. I’ve recovered said 4.5 kilograms. And then some. Let’s see where will I stabilize my body weight in the upcoming weeks.

Slowly, I’m also refocusing on doing some work for my part-time job that I’ve signed up for back in September. There’s nothing urgent, it’s just such a different headspace to take action from.

I’ve been working a lot on MASS_YAML lately. I can’t believe how much I’ve been working on it. I redesigned, I optimized, I rewrote parts of the application, moved re-usable code into the CommonForms module. And then I rewrote some more of the app.

It gives me so much satisfaction to see the app grow, to evolve and to become more and more capable of doing stuff I find interesting, like adding whatever to multiple files at once or removing tags from my musical mp3 library.

I work for pleasure, not because I’m getting paid. I’m interested in it and I keep going. Let’s see where it leads me.

The Holiday Season was good. I played my brains out! (Path of Exile 2 was out). But after a while, there came the moment when I asked myself Is this what I really want to be doing with my life? And dropped it a few days later. Path of Exile 2 is such a brilliant game! It’s not complete yet, as they still have to release the second half of the campaign. But it’s masterfully done! Everything is interesting. Perhaps my biggest complain is how big some of the levels are. They’re huge! Takes a lot to get from one corner of the map to another.

I guess writing the morning pages grounds me. I feel more centered. I’m near the city center and there’s traffic outside. But it doesn’t seem to distract me. I’m focused, centered, grounded. I like that. I enjoy that. I appreciate it when I remain grounded, centered in myself.

I would love to make the right decisions for my future self, but I’m not a prophet. I do like acting like one, though, at times.

I’ve been thinking about taking everything I do now, amplifying it 10x times and decide if I want the results or not.

Do I still want to keep going to sleep after 2-3 AM in the night, up until my 50’s? No, definitely not.

My younger self was up for the challenge when I was a student. But I started feeling the effects of going to sleep so late in the night.

Do I still want to wake up late in the morning and keep having the feeling I’ve missed my day? No, of course not.

I’ve started making changes in my life recently, closing chapters and tying up loose ends. I’ve read somewhere that it releases the energy and allows you to keep going forward.

A big change I’ve contemplated doing for years turned out to be not such a big deal. I guess being done with something occurs way before taking the actual action on the physical plane.

I’ve decided I don’t like articles generated by ChatGPT. The structure of my sentences may not be perfect, but writing articles with ChatGPT has no heart, no soul. It just doesn’t do it for me. Those articles look good on paper, but their essence is missing – the human touch. The same goes for code written using ChatGPT.

Here I am, in a moment in time, in a coffee shop. Now what? Where do we go from here? I’ve been contemplating purchasing a new car. As always, the financial aspect came up.

The part time job is perfect for covering my basic needs. But if I want a car, I have to earn that money from somewhere else. I’m not saving too much money from what I’m earning at the moment. Anyway, food for thought, work in progress.

I’m about to close this article soon, as I’m going to the office for a bit of work. Let’s see what other bugs can I fix? Of course, I can also spend 2 hours just staring at code.

Let’s see. See you soon, talk to you soon.


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