It has heart. If it feels like there’s a human being behind those words.
A human being is quirky, fun, has a personality, makes mistakes.
Such a blog is not perfectly optimized. It has a human touch.
But you can feel the person behind it.
The realness of the writing gets through.
This kind of blog has a certain feeling.
It expresses who the person is, what they’re about.
It shows who they are behind all those masks we inevitably wear when we go out into the social wilderness.
It takes courage to put the social masks aside and show some vulnerability.
But that’s when I like a blog the most – when it shows vulnerability.
When I get to peek behind the curtains and see who the person really is.
I like your blog if it’s smart.
If it’s open-minded.
If it respects people’s opinions (and right!) to have different, or even opposing opinions to yours.
I like your blog if you keep going, keep writing.
I like your blog if it’s simple. The pop-ups should be minimal.
If I want to subscribe to your newsletter, I want the option to do it to be subtle, not in my face.
I like your blog if you care about what you write. It doesn’t have to be aesthetically pleasing, but show that you care. That’s when I like it the most, when it’s important to you.
Also, I like it when I get the feeling that you’re not trying to pull from me, to hog my attention.
I have studied copywriting tactics.
It insults my intelligence when I see someone trying to grab and hold my attention to the page using said tactics.
I like the blog if some of the writing is raw, unchiseled, unfinished, a work in progress.
As a summary, I like your blog if it:
- has a heart
- shows realness
- shows vulnerability
- is smart
- is open-minded