Is quite hard to achieve these days, at least in the city.
Everything seems to be competing for our attention.
Everything’s urgent, everything’s important.
Until we forget about it and move on the the next most important thing out there.
But seriously, I connect the dots when it’s quiet outside.
Until now, I’ve found benches in secluded, quiet areas most helpful.
We can’t come up with our best thinking when we’re constantly bombarded with stimuli.
But that’s what society has become now.
Still, it’s vital to find peace & quiet.
To find silence so your best thinking can emerge.
Of course, there’s the option of covering the outside noise with noise of your own.
You-approved type of noise. It might work.
But nonetheless.
It’s important that we feel ourselves. That we are in contact with our bodies.
As Eckhart Tolle used to put it – Feel the energy field of your body.
Connect to that energy field.
For me, noise can take my attention away pretty fast.
The people around me give me anxiety. Doesn’t matter if I know them or not.
It feels anxious to be around people.
I can’t get my best thinking up & running if I’m constantly surrounded by people’s anxiety.
So, I have to find quiet places.
Places where there’s time. There still is time.
Where nothing’s urgent, yet everything you do gets imbued with such a quality that makes you want to get things done.
Not everything is urgent. Not everything must be done as if the world is about to end.
But it takes thinking for that.
Becoming aware of this reality, of this inner realization.
Not everything is urgent. Not everything is important.
But we must discern in this day & age. We must use our discernment, develop it if we must, grow it.
We are bombarded with constant stimuli. And we call this a normality. It’s not. It’s not.
Overstimulation is a problem. Its solution is discernment. And saying no this this informational overload, to this overstimulation and constant bombardment.
Our minds were not created to live in such stress.
Saying no can take many forms
– wearing earplugs (my favorite, especially when the person next to you is snorring every night)
– sensory deprivation – you don’t always have to go to a special sensory deprivation tank, you can take a bath, turn the lights off and just feel water’s warmth covering your body. Connect to your body, feel it’s sensations
– putting the phone on silent mode
– disabling all notifications
Be conscious of where you spend your attention. Not everything is worth it.
Peace! Over & out.